Thursday, 2 January 2014

A little introduction to our blog

Hello there and welcome to our life blog.

This is where we share what we've been up to, our thoughts on any topic that we choose, and just basically our life - though we won't get too up and close personally. There are some things that we'd like to keep to ourselves, but for the majority of this blog we'd like you, the people who happen to come across our little blog, to get to know us - not only as a couple, but the type of people we are.

We decided we'd do a joint venture into life blogging, make it a team effort rather than just a one-man band. That way we don't rely on just an individual doing a post, but both of us can contribute to it if we really want to. But, don't worry, there'll also be posts where it's just one of us blogging - perhaps writing about a book we've read, something we've achieved and that we're proud of, or maybe even just to rant. That's what a life blog is after all is it not? To share thoughts, opinions, and basically to keep a journal of your lives and future endeavours.

We hope you'll like reading our posts, and if you ever have any suggestions - please give us a shout in the comment boxes.

Keep a look out! Don't forget if you want to know a bit about us already, we have an about us page - you can find the link to that under our blog's banner.

Best wishes to all,

Davy and Jane

P.S Hope you everyone has had a fantastic Christmas & New Year. 2014 is going to be positive.

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